Thursday, December 28, 2017


  1. last but one in a series of things; second to the last.

It is so hard to believe that tomorrow will be the last day 
in this very long journey....longer and harder for Glenn than for 
me but the end of an adventure for both of us.

The day began with a family breakfast at 6:30 followed by a 
7:50 departure from Laguna Beach

Seth, Jerry and Glenn

Oliver, Benji, Evan, Miles and Fletcher were happy to 
cheer the riders off as they rode out!

Our timing was perfect!
We arrived just before the three riders pedaled in to
 our meeting point on Shoreline Way in Long Beach

10:25 AM

Now you can see that two of the mystery riders
are our son, Seth, and our son-in-law, Jerry!
These two were determined to ride this last long
leg of the ride with Glenn despite that fact that
their very busy schedules didn't allow for a lot 
of training time.   They were amazing!

The fourth rider (on the right) is our California friend, Pon, who 
Glenn and I met last year on an incredible South Africa trip.
It was great to have him join the guys for the last 30 miles!
Thanks, Pon, for supporting I  Care I Cure in this way!

Seth, Oliver and Sara share a moment at
the meeting point this AM

We are so excited to have Pon and his wife,
Garmen, with us during this momentous time!

Fletcher is practicing for tomorrow's big ride!

And they are off again!
The next time we would see them was
at our rental house in Marina Del Rey

Once again Phlash Phelps came through with
a mention on air about the ride.  I got six notes
from friends and family about hearing the 
story live this morning! Thanks, Phlash!

Bike Sculpture in the Park

Thanks, Jerry, for being the photographer for
the riders today.  Looks like a fun day!

Sunglasses Selfie!

2:03 PM

Arrival to Marina Del Rey after
a beautiful day on the road!
Some might have a few aches 
and pains but it was worth it!

Another California sunset in Venice! 

A Glimpse from Glenn

I was not in a rush for today end. This adventure has taken 135 days to complete, including some rest days, and covered over 10,000 miles. If I needed to be reminded this trip, illustrated how much better it is to have company to do all those miles rather than having to do it that on my own. I would like to thank BJ Shannon, Feivel Cohen, Adam and David from Phoenix, Billy and Lynn Wachtenheim, Michael Pollack,Craig Bulkley, the Beatys - Laurie, Sean and my amigo Jim, Laurie Myer, Warren Rich and Melissa and Greg Eckel. Today I was fortunate to have Jerry, Seth and our friend Pon join me to Marina del Rey. These are the individuals who took their precious time to join me since 2009. I could not have done this without the love and support of our children and grandchildren- Jill, Shahak, Neil, Jerry, Sara and Seth, Benji, Evan, Miles, Fletcher and Oliver. Seth asked me today if I could come up with the top 10 list of the places I enjoyed the most during these rides. I cannot come up with that list but these stand out at the moment. Needless to say the cross country ride in 2000 was most memorable. The Pacific Northwest was probably next. Crossing into Canada with the family was outstanding as I am sure tomorrow will be. But what has left an indelible impression was the excitement Evan showed as a 2 and a half year old when I met them on the Baltimore Annapolis path as I worked my way up the East Coast in 2011. He was so happy to ride with his Pa that day and I with him.

I must thank all of you for your interest in following along with us on the blog and we truly appreciate your generosity as we have raised about over $70,000 for I Care I Cure. A special thanks to our family and friends who we met up with along the various routes over the years.

Lastly, there are no words to express my gratitude and thanks to Lynn. This has been a commitment on her part that,perhaps, I had no right to ask of her. She has spent countless hours preparing for each leg of our journey. She has added to her resume becoming a logistics expert, blogger, and especially showing talent in public relations. The entries in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Marietta Daily Journal, the Jewish Times articles in Atlanta and Phoenix, television coverage on the Fox station in Phoenix and numerous chats with Phlash Phelps on Sirius XM Satellite Radio Sixties on 6 have all put the word out about I Care I Cure. She has been and always will be the love of my life and I only hope that I have been an equal contributor for her, but she sets the bar at a lofty height indeed.

A Glimpse of Glenn

We are all anticipating an amazing day tomorrow!
We will pick up our bikes from Ride!Venice at 10
in the morning and pedal the 2.8 miles to the 
Santa Monica Pier.  We hope to have someone there
to record the arrival so that you can all share in the
excitement!  When Glenn steps on the pier, the
journey of more than 10,000 will be completed!

What gives the Santa Monica Pier its
relatively green status?

A tee shirt is up for grabs!

If you should be looking for that one more
tax deductible donation this year, 

Throwback Thursday

November 2016
Somewhere in West Texas
Phoenix to New Orleans


  1. Congratulations to Glenn and your family. It has been an amazing journey to follow and you have set the bar high for personal accomplishments. Have a safe and health new year.

    Mark Light

  2. Congratulations on such an incredible and rewarding achievement!

  3. Lovely penultimate day... perfect for reminiscing and savoring the finale tomorrow.


Comments are welcome! Cheer us on!